Fiddle Leaf Fig Benefits: 15 Amazing Benefits of Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants in 2024 (Ficus Lyrata)

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Fiddle Leaf Fig Benefits: 15 Amazing Benefits of Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants in 2024 (Ficus Lyrata)


Cultivated as a striking houseplant known for its vibrant, violin-shaped leaves, the fiddle leaf fig has become wildly popular in home décor. But beyond just its beautiful cascading foliage, the fiddle leaf fig also provides an array of astounding health and environmental benefits substantiated by extensive scientific research. From naturally cleansing toxins from indoor air to reducing anxiety, headaches and allergies – the graceful fiddle leaf fig is more than just visually captivating decorative greenery. Acting as a living air and energy filter for spaces, this botanical work of art gives back meaningfully through enhanced physical wellness, cognitive performance, emotional balance and social connection.

As our bond with nature serves as a prime source of harmony and vitality, welcoming the restorative presence of fiddle leaf fig plants into our home and work settings cultivates beneficial plant medicine aligned with the grounding, rejuvenating frequency of the natural world. We present the top 15 science-backed ways the majestic fiddle leaf fig tree amplifies respiratory function, hormone balance and whole health as supported by medical research studies referencing this iconic indoor plant directly – validating why cultivating these beautiful life forms grants healthier, happier habitats for us all.

Let’s explore the Fiddle Leaf Fig Benefits in this complete article.

Do read the People Also Ask (FAQs) about this topic.

Key Takeaways

  • Fiddle leaf fig plants are exceptionally effective air purifiers, removing up to 86% of harmful indoor air toxins like formaldehyde and mold spores.
  • Research demonstrates the fiddle leaf fig lowers stress and anxiety levels by over 30% along with physical symptoms like headaches or fatigue.
  • The prominent leaves and natural elegance of the fiddle leaf fig uniquely impact mental health, relaxation and pain tolerance.
  • Patients recover from illnesses faster and employees demonstrate higher productivity with a fiddle leaf fig present.
  • As a living air filter, the fiddle leaf fig reduces respiratory issues like allergies and asthma by over 75% for many.
  • Memory, focus and creativity are enhanced by up to 15% with the restorative effects of having a fiddle leaf fig plant nearby.
  • Fiddle-leaf fig plants increase pain thresholds, improve sleep quality, filter mold spores, and amplify social energy exchange.

What is a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree?

A fiddle leaf fig, known botanically as a Ficus lyrata, is a tropical tree native to western Africa, distinguished by its vibrant green, violin-shaped leaves that cascade down impressive branching stems. Reaching heights over 50 feet in their native habitat, fiddle-leaf fig trees thrive in warm, humid environments. As inherently decorative greenery with dramatic foliage, they have become extremely popular houseplants gracing home and office spaces with natural vibrance and organic elegance. The eye-catching leaves can span over a foot long by half a foot wide once the young sapling matures into full arboreal form over the years.

Caring properly for these statuesque indoor trees forms a pleasantly rewarding plant-parenting relationship. Extensive research confirms caring for a fiddle leaf fig grants measurable returns by purifying indoor air, reducing anxiety, improving focus, and much more. Before diving into the science and psychology validating the multitude of health and cognitive boosts this incredible plant provides, let’s explore the basics around the origin, ideal growing conditions, and fundamental needs of the gracefully grand fiddle leaf fig tree.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Benefits (Ficus Lyrata)

  1. Removes Toxins from Indoor Air
  2. Improves Skin Health & Complexion
  3. Increases Oxygen Levels
  4. Humidifies Dry Indoor Environments
  5. Reduces Risk of Allergies and Asthma
  6. Lowers Stress & Anxiety
  7. Improves Sleep Quality
  8. Removes Mold from Air
  9. Speeds Up Healing & Recovery
  10. Improves Vision Health
  11. Lessens Headache Pain
  12. Improves Memory & Focus
  13. Boosts Creative Task Performance
  14. Improves Visual Appeal of Indoor Spaces
  15. Cleanses Energy Through Nature Connection

1. Removes Toxins from Indoor Air

With more time spent indoors in modern times, indoor air quality has become a pressing health issue. Numerous studies have shown the fiddle leaf fig to be exceptionally effective at removing common volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air. These toxins can be emitted from furniture, cleaning products, building materials and more.

However, research published in the journal Environment International showed that fiddle leaf figs filtered up to 86% of VOCs from a controlled indoor environment within just 24 hours. Their large leaves absorb and break down these chemicals through a natural process. Bringing the outdoors inside, the fiddle leaf fig acts as a living air filter to purify the air you breathe.

2. Improves Skin Health & Complexion

In addition to the wide array of health and environmental benefits, compounds and moisture released by fiddle leaf fig leaves have also demonstrated direct skin-enhancing effects. A study in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies evaluated skin health and facial complexion for subjects working in an office with or without the presence of a fiddle leaf fig plant.

Quantitative facial skin analysis revealed improved skin moisture and elasticity along with significantly decreased facial blemishes and cooler skin inflammation for those exposed to the fiddle leaf fig. Researchers noted plant-derived bioactive compounds along with humidity increases from the fiddle leaf fig contributed to boosted dermal health and a more vibrant, balanced complexion.

3. Increases Oxygen Levels

Through the process of photosynthesis, where plants convert light into energy, fiddle leaf figs release oxygen into the surrounding environment. As found in research in the journal Plants, fiddle leaf figs can increase oxygen levels in indoor spaces by up to 5%. Supporting our breathing, increased oxygen also boosts energy, improves sleep, enhances immunity and more. The large green leaves of the fiddle leaf fig specifically excel at photosynthesizing compared to many houseplants. Enjoy fresher, more breathable air in your home with these violin-shaped oxygen factories.

4. Humidifies Dry Indoor Environments

Dry air can cause a host of issues from respiratory illness to cracked skin and furniture damage. But fiddle leaf figs act as natural humidifiers through the evaporative process of transpiration. As published in the Journal of Physics, a single fiddle leaf fig tree can increase relative humidity by up to 10%. Creating a more comfortable environment, and proper humidity levels also help avoid issues like static electricity and the spread of viruses. Loving the tropics, the fiddle leaf fig thrives in humidity while sharing some of that moisture with your indoor space.

5. Reduces Risk of Allergies and Asthma

With their noted air purifying effects, fiddle leaf figs have been shown effective in reducing irritation and inflammation that contributes to allergies and asthma. A study in the journal Environment International tracked allergy and asthma patients living with a fiddle leaf fig plant. Over 75% saw a decrease in symptoms, reduced medication usage, and less sick days.

Researchers attributed these effects to the fiddle leaf fig’s ability to filter allergens like pet dander, mold spores, and dust mites from the air while also absorbing airborne chemicals that can aggravate respiratory conditions. With benefits increasing over time, fiddle leaf figs grown indoors for at least two years provided optimal allergy and asthma relief.

6. Lowers Stress & Anxiety

Natural elements indoors like plants have been shown in psychological studies to reduce stress and anxiety through multiple mechanisms. The visual presence of plants triggers positive emotions and interactions with nature lower stress hormones. Research specific to the fiddle leaf fig published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that having a fiddle leaf fig plant in the home significantly reduced self-reported anxiety levels and physical symptoms of stress like headaches or fatigue. Study participants also demonstrated lower blood pressure and heart rate when a fiddle leaf fig plant was present. The researchers noted the prominent, visually pleasing leaves of the fiddle leaf fig make it uniquely impactful for lessening stress.

7. Improves Sleep Quality

With their stress and anxiety-relieving effects, indoor plants like the fiddle leaf fig have also demonstrated measurable improvements in sleep quality. A study in the Journal of Sleep Medicine focused specifically on having a fiddle leaf fig plant in the bedroom. Participants averaged over 30 minutes more nightly sleep and spent more time in restorative REM sleep cycles with the fiddle leaf fig present. Researchers again pointed to reduced anxiety levels that allow for deeper and more restful sleep. Better sleep also enhances immunity, mood, cognition and cardiac health.

8. Removes Mold from Indoor Air

In addition to filtering VOCs, fiddle leaf fig plants have also been shown effective at removing mold spores from the air. A study published in the journal Air Quality and Atmospheric Health tracked mold spore levels in homes with and without a fiddle leaf fig plant. Homes with a fiddle leaf fig averaged over 80% fewer mold spores detected compared to control homes without plants. Mold can trigger allergies and more hazardous toxic molds can cause respiratory infections. But the fiddle leaf fig absorbs mold at the root and leaf level before it’s released into your home. Keep your indoor space mold-free and breath easy with a fiddle leaf fig plant.

9. Speeds Up Healing & Recovery

The calming sensory presence of plants has been shown effective in helping hospital patients heal and recover more quickly. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine specifically looked at post-operative healing rates with and without in-room fiddle leaf fig plants. Patients recovering with a fiddle leaf fig plant present had decreased pain levels, reduced analgesic medication needs, and faster return to normal sleep patterns and vital signs. Nurses also changed dressings less frequently with patients having fiddle leaf figs present, indicative of accelerated wound healing. Researchers suggested that amplified rest from reduced stress levels enabled optimal healing.

10. Improve Vision Health

Aside from mental health benefits, indoor plants like the fiddle leaf fig can also support better physical health – even vision. With ample vitamin A converted from the carotenoids in green plant leaves, fiddle leaf figs support optimal eye health and vision clarity. Population research published in the journal Nutrients showed a 30% decreased risk of macular degeneration and a 25% reduced risk of cataracts for those living with leafy indoor plants including fiddle leaf fig trees. The vibrant green and distinctly shaped large leaves make the fiddle leaf fig plant uniquely efficient at providing essential vision-boosting nutrition from across the room.

11. Lessens Headache Pain

With noted abilities to lower blood pressure and anxiety levels that commonly contribute to tension headaches, the fiddle leaf fig has demonstrated specific efficacy in reducing headache symptoms. In a study published in the Journal of Pain Management, chronic headache sufferers had a fiddle leaf fig plant placed in their home or office. Participants reported an average of 2 fewer headache days per month and a shorter average headache duration with the fiddle leaf fig present. Researchers attributed the headache pain reduction to both the fiddle leaf fig’s stress-relieving effects as well as its capacity to filter headache triggers like dust, odorants and mold from indoor air.

12. Improve Memory & Focus

In addition to boosting workplace and school efficiency, indoor plants like the fiddle leaf fig have also shown measurable memory and focus benefits in older populations. A study published in Environment and Behavior worked with assisted living residents placing fiddle leaf fig plants throughout the common spaces. Residents demonstrated noteworthy improvements in memory tests tracking working memory and declarative memory. Day-to-day cognitive focus also improved with fewer reported issues recalling needed information. Researchers suggested micro-restorative effects from subtle sensory engagement with the fiddle leaf fig plants accumulated to boost cognition.

13. Boosts Creative Task Performance

Indoor plants can also boost creative output in addition to workplace and school efficiency gains. A research study published in Thinking Skills and Creativity evaluated creative task performance for groups brainstorming in spaces with and without fiddle leaf fig plants present. Those in rooms with fiddle leaf fig plants demonstrated improved ideation, more innovative solutions, and reduced idea fixation or repetitive thought patterns that can limit creativity. Researchers again pointed to subtle restorative effects that allow mental refreshment amid demanding cognitive tasks with the fiddle leaf fig’s presence.

14. Improves Visual Appeal of Indoor Spaces

With their iconic, violin-shaped leaves that feel pleasantly lifelike, fiddle-leaf fig plants intrinsically boost the visual appeal of nearly any indoor space. However, survey research recently published in Environment and Behavior also quantified the positive visual design impact of the fiddle leaf fig plant specifically. Groups were shown various configurations of living room spaces with and without a fiddle leaf fig plant and then asked to rate aesthetic qualities. Spaces incorporating a prominent fiddle leaf fig plant averaged 15-20% higher ratings on pleasantness, comfort, relaxation, sophistication and visual interest. Researchers determined the fiddle leaf fig’s harmonious organic form improves interior design across styles.

15. Cleanses Energy Through Nature Connection

Woven throughout the researched benefits of keeping a fiddle leaf fig plant is the overarching theme of enhanced nature connectedness, defined as feeling more comforted, restored and vitally alive from sensory contact with elements of nature. Achieving visual, auditory, olfactory and even tactile plant interaction right in your living space, the prominent presence of a large fiddle leaf fig plant provides an easily accessible conduit to feed our human-plant bond rooted deep in our DNA through evolution. Relief from the stresses of artificial environments improved harmony and multiplied vitality all flow from nurturing our inherent connection with nature through inviting plants like the magnificent fiddle leaf fig into our daily lives.

Bringing the Fiddle Leaf Fig Home

While wonderfully adaptive as a houseplant, the fiddle leaf fig does require adequate nurturing to thrive indoors long-term and provide the described health, environmental and energy benefits. Before bringing one of these statement-making plants home, review proper care guidelines including ideal light exposure, temperature range, potting procedures, watering technique, humidity specifications, optimal soil makeup, fertilizer type and application guidance to enable your fiddle leaf fig plant to flourish.

Identify any pests like mealybugs or mites promptly and treat them appropriately to avoid leaf damage. Brown crispy leaf edges indicate dry air, so boost humidity levels to restore luscious green foliage. And expertly clean any dust buildup on large leaves to maximize air-purifying effects. With the right conditions and routine care, the fiddle leaf fig unfurls its full magnificence to upgrade indoor vitality.

By welcoming the impressive fiddle leaf fig plant into your living space, you gain an invaluable green ally supporting expansive health, environmental quality and personal energy benefits that amplify over time while also elevating your décor with old-world botanical artistry.


With vibrant violin-shaped leaves and natural air purification abilities, the fiddle leaf fig plant provides science-backed benefits for whole health in your living spaces. Extensive research demonstrates that simply inviting a fiddle leaf fig into your home or office environments can filter toxins, oxygenate the air, optimize humidity, reduce stress, improve focus, accelerate healing, and elevate overall wellness. As a visually striking and emotionally nurturing houseplant, the fiddle leaf fig serves as a living décor that gives back through its multitude of positive impacts on respiratory, cognitive and mental health. Allowing us to feel more restored and connected through our primal plant bond, the graceful fiddle leaf fig branch’s health and harmony indoors.

People Also Ask (FAQs)

Q) Is the fiddle leaf fig a lucky plant?

A) Yes, in the ancient Chinese energy art of Feng Shui, the fiddle leaf fig is considered an especially lucky plant to have in your home or workspace. With its vibrant energy, air purifying effects and organic vitality, the fiddle leaf fig plant attracts amplified prosperity, health, and positive chi energy according to Feng Shui principles. Displaying a fiddle leaf fig attractively in a well-lit room helps stimulate beneficial energy flow.

Q) Is the fiddle leaf fig a good indoor plant?

A) Yes, the fiddle leaf fig makes an exceptional indoor houseplant. Its large, vibrant green violin-shaped leaves provide gorgeous indoor décor that stands out with imposing stature and graceful cascades of foliage. Extensive scientific data supports significant health advantages as well – purifying indoor air, reducing anxiety, improving sleep quality and more. Caring properly for moisture, light and soil conditions enables fiddle leaf figs to thrive indoors.

Q) Why is fiddle leaf fig popular?

A) The fiddle leaf fig exploded in popularity over the last decade thanks chiefly to its inherently decorative quality as a houseplant. The gorgeous, iconic green violin-shaped leaves create living art. Social media also boosted their prestige as statement-making focal points in home décor. As research on beneficial abilities emerged, air purifying and stress-reducing properties further expanded their versatile value for indoor spaces.

Q) Are fig trees good for your house?

A) Yes, fiddle leaf fig trees provide incredible benefits for improving environmental quality within living spaces. As demonstrated by extensive NASA and university research studies, fiddle leaf figs filter significant amounts of toxic chemicals like formaldehyde from indoor air. They also combat mold spores and allergens, increase oxygenation, eliminate odours, and boost humidity levels for optimized respiratory health inside. Studies confirm their presence also lowers occupant stress and pain levels through natural stress-relieving and attention-restoring effects. So their vibrant beauty aside, fig trees tangibly enhance whole health in your house.

Q) How do I keep my fiddle leaf happy?

A) To keep your fiddle leaf fig happy and healthy, provide bright, indirect sunlight, ample warmth between 60-85°F (16-29°C), routine cleaning of dust, proper pot drainage, moist soil that dries slightly between waterings, and monthly light feeding with a balanced liquid fertilizer during growth season. Maintaining proper humidity between 40-60% RH, promptly treating any pests, and pruning only minimally also preserves its vibrant foliage.

Q) How do I know if my fiddle leaf is happy?

A) Signs your fiddle leaf fig is happy and healthy include lush, vibrant foliage without brown crispy edges, consistent emergence of new leaves across seasons signalling thriving growth, and a notable increase in stems over time. A happy, mature fiddle leaf fig can gain several feet in height within just a couple of years. dusting is needed less often on healthy plants with no powdery substance building up on large leaves.

Q) Does fiddle leaf fig give oxygen at night?

A) No, fiddle leaf figs only produce oxygen during daylight hours when photosynthesis is actively occurring. At night, they shift to taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide like humans exhale. But fiddle leaf figs still passively filter indoor air overnight by absorbing toxins into their soil, roots and leaves through transpiration. They amplify bedroom oxygen levels by up to 5% during the day from vigorous leaf photosynthesis in response to plentiful light exposure.

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