6 Foods That Make You Taste Sweeter (2024)

16 Min Read

Oral intercourse is one of the best forms of sexual pleasure there is. Oral sex can help hit all of your hotspots with a combination of kissing, licking, sucking, and possibly even penetrating with fingers or a sex toy, making it nearly impossible not to experience an orgasm. 

What should you do if the food down there doesn’t taste exactly like you want it to when there is so much assured goodness waiting for you? 

To be honest, it’s normal that vaginas won’t ever smell like flowers or taste like candy. There’s nothing wrong with your natural taste or smell as long as you’re healthy; our bodies’ natural scents and tastes are just a part of human sexuality.

There are a few foods and drinks that have a sweeter scent and taste if you want to sweeten the situation to increase your confidence and persuade your partner to stay down there longer. It’s true that “you are what you eat” but there’s no scientific study on what foods make your vagina taste good.

Read on this article to learn about the “6 Foods That Make You Taste Sweeter”.


Many women are self-conscious about the scent of their vagina because it has a unique smell. A healthy vagina has a pH of between 3.8 and 4.5, which is slightly acidic. The Lactobacilli bacteria maintain the vagina’s acidity, which guards against the growth of harmful bacteria and preserves the environment in the vagina.

The smell of the vagina can be affected by a number of things, such as the use of antibiotics, douching, spermicide, new sexual partners, the frequency of sex, & hormonal changes brought on by menopause, breastfeeding, and pregnancy.

Additionally, a forgotten tampon (because of the bacteria that settled there) and vaginal infections such as yeast, bacteria, and STDs will alter your odour (smell) below.

Changing your diet may also result in a change in the smell of your vagina. The delicate pH balance of the vagina is upset by some foods, which may result in an unsettling odour (smell). The worst culprits, according to experts, are red meat, vinegar, blue cheese, onions, garlic, mint, turmeric, and cabbage. Drinking alcohol, smoking, & not getting enough water can also have an impact on the lower body.

Not only can these foods and factors give you an odd and unpleasant smell, but they can also cause other uncomfortable symptoms and make you look unappealing to your partner or spouse.

Variety of Scents and Odors Released by the Vagina

A vagina can release a variety of scents, aromas, or odours depending on the situation. These include:

1. Tangy or Fermented

The vagina frequently emits a sour or tangy smell. Some people say it smells like fermented food. The probiotics found in yoghurt, sourdough bread, and some sour beers are actually the same kind of good bacteria found in the majority of healthy vaginas.

2. Fishy smell

Most likely, you’ve heard the term “fishy” used to describe an odd vaginal odour. Actually, there shouldn’t be any scent at all to fresh fish. The more appropriate analogy is decomposing fish. Trimethylamine is the chemical compound that causes some abnormal vaginal odours as well as the distinct smell of rotting fish. These can sometimes be brought on by bacterial vaginosis. This is a possible outcome of bacterial vaginosis. Females between the ages of 15 – 44 most frequently get this type of vaginal infection.

3. Chemicals like a freshly cleaned bathroom

There are a few possible causes for an odour like bleach or ammonia. Urea is a byproduct of ammonia found in urine. A chemical odour (smell) could be coming from a build-up of urine in your pants or underwear or around your vulva. Remember that an intense ammonia-like odour coming from your urine indicates dehydration. This smell may occasionally need a visit to the doctor.

4. Coppery like a penny

Many people claim to have noticed a metallic, coppery vaginal odour. In most cases, this is not a cause for concern. It rarely indicates a more serious issue. Iron, found in blood, has a metallic odour. Periods are the most common cause of blood. Blood and tissue that have been shed from your uterine lining pass through your vaginal canal during your period. It’s best to see a doctor if you’re bleeding outside of your menstrual cycle or if the metallic smell persists along with itching and discharge.

5. Sweet like molasses

We don’t mean freshly baked cookies when we say sweet. We mean robust and detained. The pH of your vagina is a dynamic bacterial ecosystem. And occasionally, this indicates that you may smell a little sweet.

6. Rotten like a decaying organism

It’s certainly not normal to smell so bad that it makes your face wrinkle and your nose wince. It might not be your vagina but rather something in your vagina if the stench is foul, like that of a dead organism.

6 Foods That Make You Taste Sweeter

6 FOODS That Make You Taste Sweeter

Food #1 – Pineapple

In case you’re wondering how to make your vagina taste good, the pineapple myth is probably already well-known to you. I mean, all you have to do is eat pineapple before the big day, right? Not precisely. ​

​Because pineapple has a high sugar content and an acidic pH, eating pineapple or drinking pineapple juice can improve the taste of your vagina. Because of this, pineapples have an alkalizing effect that may help preserve the acidity and pH balance of your vagina. Consequently, consuming pineapple can improve and sweeten the flavour of your juices.

However, pineapple isn’t a quick fix if you’re looking for foods to eat before taking an oral. To improve the taste of your vagina, you must consume enough of it through food or drink. If you want to surprise your partner with a sweet treat a few days before sex, try adding pineapple fruit to your diet on a regular basis.

Food #2 – Berries

Berries are going to be your best friend when it comes to tasty fruits. The general health of your vagina can be greatly enhanced by dark fruits, such as blueberries, cranberries, and strawberries; the darker the fruit, the sweeter the juice.

Regular consumption of these berries can enhance the flavour & aroma (smell) of your vagina while also providing antioxidant protection against infections and illnesses. Moreover, cranberries help fight off harmful or bad bacteria in your urinary system, which lowers your risk of getting a UTI. In simple terms, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t consume berries.

Choose fresh juices over sugar-filled ones if you’re buying fruit juice to meet your recommended daily intake. Berries have a lot of health benefits, but if you drink too much sugary fruit juice, it can upset the pH balance in your vagina and affect your taste and smell.

Food #3 – Yogurt

If you’ve ever eagerly searched for homemade cures for yeast infections on Google, you’ve most likely discovered the benefits of yoghurt. Due to its ability to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in the vagina, it is among the best foods for vaginal health. It not only balances the pH in your vagina but also aids in the fight against yeast infections – one of the most common causes of a funky-smelling vagina.

Our natural yeast cells proliferate when there is a shortage of beneficial bacteria, which results in yeast infections. Hormonal fluctuations and overindulging in sugary fruit can upset the delicate balance of bacteria in the vagina. Yoghurt can help you smell good and save the day in situations like that.

Naturally, not all yoghurt is made equally. Select full-fat Greek yoghurt with no added fruit, sugar, or flavouring for optimal benefits. These ingredients can feed yeast and further irritate your bacteria balance.

Food #4 – Honey

Honey, often referred to as liquid gold, is a natural sweetener that can influence your body’s natural flavours, especially in a sexual context. This sweet substance made by bees is rich in natural sugars like fructose and glucose, which can contribute to a sweeter taste.

In addition to its sweetness, honey is packed with various nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients not only contribute to overall health but can also have a positive impact on sexual health. For instance, honey contains boron, a mineral that helps regulate hormone levels and enhance sexual energy. However, there is no study related to this that shows boron helps in regulating hormone levels and enhancing sexual energy.

Moreover, honey is known for its antimicrobial properties, which can help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the body. A balanced bacterial flora is essential for overall health and can indirectly influence your body’s natural flavours.

Incorporating honey into your diet can be as simple as adding it to your tea, drizzling it over yoghurt, or using it as a natural sweetener in various dishes.

Food #5 – Cinnamon

Consuming cinnamon may enhance your natural flavour with an additional touch of sweetness, but it won’t make you taste or smell like a wintertime treat. 

Because cinnamon is alkaline, it helps preserve the natural pH balance in your body, counteract the acidity of your vagina, and even enhance its flavour. Additionally, some research indicates that it may even be able to treat yeast infections. It is a mild antibiotic. Naturally, if you think you may have an infection, you should still consult your physician.

The best part is that incorporating cinnamon into your diet is very simple.

To get your recommended daily dosage of cinnamon (and improve the taste of your vagina every day), you can add it to tea, coffee, or smoothies. In addition, nutmeg, cardamom, peppermint, and lemon work just as well if you’re not a big fan of cinnamon.

Food #6 – Mango

Mango, often referred to as the ‘king of fruits’, is a tropical fruit that is not only delicious but also packed with various nutrients that can influence your body’s natural flavors, especially in a sexual context.

Mangoes are high in natural sugars, which can contribute to a sweeter taste. They are also rich in vitamins A and C, both of which are essential for overall health and can have a positive impact on sexual health. Vitamin A is known for its role in maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes, which can indirectly influence your body’s natural flavours. On the other hand, Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect the body from damage by free radicals, thus promoting overall health.

Moreover, mangoes are a great source of dietary fibre. A diet high in fibre can help maintain a healthy digestive system, which is essential for overall health and can indirectly influence your body’s natural flavours.

Incorporating mangoes into your diet can be as simple as enjoying them fresh, adding them to salads, or blending them into smoothies.

5 Foods that make your vagina taste bad

5 Foods that make your vagina taste bad
5 Foods that make your vagina taste bad

Some of the foods that make your vagina taste bad are:-

  1. Red meat: An excessive amount of red meat can have a salty, sharp flavour.
  2. Dairy: Cheese and other dairy products (apart from natural yoghurt) may taste bitter or salty due to high levels of bacterial putrefaction.
  3. Stinky stuff: Avoid anything that will make you smell bad, like gas or breath. This includes vegetables and fruits like asparagus, cauliflower, cabbage, garlic, and onions.
  4. Fish: Naturally, it will give you a fishy taste.
  5. Junk food: Packed full of preservatives and chemicals, junk food can cause bacterial imbalances and contaminate your body. This also applies to fried foods.


In this exploration of the intimate connection between diet and our bodies, we’ve discovered that what we consume can indeed influence our natural body flavours, particularly in a sexual context. From the tropical sweetness of pineapple and mango to the tangy delight of berries, the probiotic goodness of yoghurt, the natural sweetness of honey, and the warm flavour of cinnamon, these six foods can potentially make you taste sweeter.

However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s body is different, and these foods may have varying effects on individuals. While diet plays a role, other factors such as hydration, overall health, and personal body chemistry also contribute to your body’s natural flavours.

Maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is key. So, while you experiment with these foods, ensure that your overall health and well-being remain a priority. After all, good health is the sweetest thing of all!

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